Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Things we have carried
Backpacks, Bursting with loose sweaters, a myriad of brightly colored accessories tied to the side straps dangle as we walk. Sleeping bags stuffed into their sacks, still wet from the pair of moist socks stored there nights ago. Rocks that smear mud onto clean(ish) trousers and remind of far off beaches and mountains.
Hiking boots, worn down and scratched, faded and sweaty, a hikers best friend for the first day, his worst enemy for the rest of the trip. A stick that gradually gets smaller as the expedition progresses, and hampers and trips far more than it supports. The CD player, hidden and lugged across the mountains only to become redundant when the lack of headphones becomes apparent.
The canoe, which is carried like a backpack over fallen trees and across swamps, the weight pulling down and making the Sherpa like students stumble like crazed old hags. A flashlight that when turned on emits the feeblest glow then fades altogether. The wallet, brought by the unsuspecting sole who thought we would be living in cabins and that there would be something to buy.
A pair of rusty scissors found at the last campsite, used together with those from the first aid pack to form Mohawks and other outrageous hairstyles. Only half a toothbrush, to save weight but that is so small it is forever lost among the bags of toilet moss. One loose sock, carried by a different person everyday and mysteriously belonging to no one. One of our group, stumbling with pain from blistered and swollen feet, supported by friends and encouraged by educators, as me make our long journey to graduation.





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