Mix of Music
Tartan Heart, 2009
But what of the majority of the music? Though it is the case that, in a very small festival with such strong community sentiment like that found at Tartan Heart, music will take a step back, it is still after all a “rock” festival. T.H. annually caters to well over fifty band groups and other performers performing loads of different musical styles. Some are young and ambitious, coming from obscurity to claw up a ladder rung, others are older has-beens searching for a comeback, and a rare few are established musicians whose immediate future seems set in stone.
‘09 saw all the above, and as the sun shone and rain fell bands went and came and music played. Everyone has their favorite moments from any concert, a song that means something, says something, captures a precise moment in our lives as clear as any photograph. The idealistic, romantic ones among us would say that playing back that track in ten years time one would be reminded of the past for a second. We would feel wet mud against our jeans again, the slop of excess beer spilling from our cups onto dirty, unwashed hands, remember the roar of the music and screams of those around us. More likely our children will shake their heads sadly, walk over and change the C.D.
Below are just a few pictures from some of the bigger acts at Tartan Heart 09:
Noah and the Whale
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